The Spineless Wonders exhibit, curated by Robyn Holman and displayed at USM'S Atrium Gallery, was a wonderful show to close out 2009. Full of my some of my favorite subjects - invertebrates- "Spineless Wonders: Invertebrates as Inspiration celebrates the diversity of species for the 2009 bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of On the Origin of Species. Invertebrates make up a vast group that includes worms, insects and their larvae, spiders, jellyfish, shellfish such as crabs and shrimp, squid, and more – 97% of all animal species are invertebrates. Paintings, prints, sculpture, poetry, video, and work in clay, metal, fiber, glass, wood, and stone by 56 artists from around the country are all part of this multi-dimensional exploration of the invertebrate world."